my name is Lindsay MacArthur,
I am currently a first year
MA student at the University
of Hawaii. My field of study
is Asian Studies, as this is
an inter-disciplinary field
I am required to take courses
in a wide range of subjects.
I am now in a sociology class
in which we are discussing the
social and political evolution
of China since 1949. Our final
grade will be a term paper focusing
on anything relating to this
subject and I have chosen the
implementation of the Communist
Manifesto and Maoism after 1949
and the resurgence of cummunist
ideals in the women's liberation
movement of the 1990's. Unfortunately,
I am having a difficult time
obtaining information which
pertains directly to Chinese
women. Does this movement exist
in China and if so could you
please provide me with sources
through which I can obtain informtion?
Thank you very much for your
time and I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
For starters, you must read
Wild Swans, which profiles three generations of women in China--since 1949.
The book is controversial in
China, because the book is honest
in its portrayal of women--including
women in communism. There is
also Marguerite Duras' The North China Lover, though a novel it is informed by her youth in Indochina.
I hope that helps. Because these
are both personal accounts,
I think you are likely to find
some honesty in them.