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Hello, I am a university student at Malaspina University/College and my Women's Studies class is holding a mock women's caucus. I will be representing Canadian immigrant women and need more information about the issues. If you could please direct me to some one who can help or a relevant organization I would be very grateful. Thank you, Vanessa

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM. I'm assuming that by "Canadian Immigrant Women" you are referring to immigrant women living in Canada. Regardless, the references I have on immigrant women's groups don't break down much more specifically than that. Here are some organizations for you to contact to learn more:

1. Center for Immigrants Rights: (212) 505-6890
2. Immigrant Workers' Resource Center: (617) 542-3342.
3. National Immigrantion Project of the National Lawyer's Guild: (617) 227-9727.
4. Women Refugee Project/Harvard Immigration and Refugee Program: (617) 494-1936
5. Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children: (212) 551-3086

Sorry that I don't have Internet addresses. I hope that helps - good luck with your project and let me know if this isn't the information you were looking for.



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