am a first time visitor to your
website and I must say that
it is well done. Congratulations!
I read some of your articles
and found it sad that countries
like Iran and Afghanistan are
imposing ridiculous so-called
laws on their womenfolk. As
a Muslim woman born and bred
in Singapore, I am even sadder
as these countries claim themselves
to be Muslims. For the purpose
of clarification, I would like
to inform you that Islam does
not, in any way, encourage or
legislate the things that are
done to women by the Talibans
and the Iranian governments
Prophet and the Quran exhort
the education of women and men
and none should be deprived
of it. In fact, education is
so highly regarded that the
pursuit of it by both sexes
is encouraged many times in
the Quran. Nor is female circumcision
mentioned in the Quran at all.
The Prophet himself abolished
the killing of female infants
(a common pre-Islamic tradition
of Arabia) and forbids the menfolk
from beating their wives, among
other things. He was also reported
to have advised his close friends
to consult Aisha (his wife)
regarding matters pertaining
to religion. This proved to
be such a blow to the Arab male
elite that some of them retaliated
by passing caustic and sarcastic
remarks to Aisha whenever she
corrected them on their religious
practices. It is only after
the death of the Prophet that
the predominantly mysoginistic
male population (they were not
happy when God dedicated one
chapter on the rights of women
called An-Nisaa meaning 'Women'),
altered the interpretation of
the verses to suit their own
am distraught about the horrendous
things done unto women in these
countries for if Islam forbids
the education of women, what
am I doing here, a 20-something
female graduate of English,
holding a well-paying job, while
at home my dad kept asking me
when I would embark on a Masters
you so much for your note to
clarifying what is really at
the root of the current activities
in Iran and Afghanistan. A few
years back I read a wonderful
biography of Mohammud
by Karen Armstrong. I went into
it only thinking negative things
and finished with a more honest
and inspired look at Muslim
society. I had the same experience
when I went to the Women's conference
in Beijing and saw many Moslem
women re-explaing that it wasn't
the Koran, but the interpretors.
The same thing--although not
visibly as strong--has happened
in Catholicism. Hopefully, we
can set the record straight.