name is Masa Al-Kutoubi and
I live in Beirut, Lebanon. I
am studying in high school and
am now in the 11th grade. For
this year we have an extended
essay about the subject of our
choice. I have chosen the topic
of famous Arab feminists and
I was wiondering if you could
possibly help me to find information
about either the rise of feminism
in the Middle East or the women
that helped to spread feminism
in the Middle East. I would
sincerly appreciate it if you
could give me either sites or
names of the women. Thank you
very much. Sincerely, Masa
for your note. For famous women
from the Middle East, I have
listed a couple of suggestions.
There are also some books that
might be able to help:
In Israel there was/is Golda
Meir, who was Israel's Prime
- In
Egypt, there was Huda Shaarawi,
who was one of the leading
revolutionaries in Egypt around
the beginning of the 20th
century. She established Egypt's
first women's philanthropic
society for poor women and
children. She was a leader
of the Feminist Union, the
first organization of its
kind in the Arab world. She
fought for a minimum marriage
age, family reform law, restriction
of polygamy, education of
girls and Egyptian independence.
She was also famous for one
day in March, 1923, when she
took off her veil in front
of crowd of women--liberating
- In
Iran, there was Taj Al-Saltana--her
autobiography, which was written
around 1914, is the earliest
known example of Iranian's
women's autobiography. Her
writings revealed, among other
things, the importance of
the role played by women in
the harem in influencing the
state of affairs. Later she
helped to establish the "Society
for the Emancipation of Women".
Her writings proposed a feminist
In Iraq, Laila of Shaiban-Bakr,
a poet from the 8th century,
was known for her rejection
of a centralized state in
favor of an egalitarian stystem
of government. In pre-Islamic
times, women participated
in tribal warfare on the Arabian
peninsula. With the advent
of Islam, women did not relinquishh
their place on the battlefield.
She was an early female warrior.
In Morocco, Fatimma Mernissi
is an famous Muslim feminist
whose work has been exported
around the world via her many
published books. Her work
has paved the way for other
feminist scholars--especially
those exposing/exporing the
Muslim world. She teaches
today at a University in the
United States. Another well
known contemporary writer
is Ghada Samman, she actually
studied at the American University
in Beirut--so perhaps you
can learn more about her from
In Tunisia, Vibia Perpetua--was
one of the earliest North
American Christian Martyrs.
She was condemned to death
in Carthage in 203 BCE for
her refusal to perform a sacrifice
honoring the Roman emperor.
A record of her experiences
while in prison was discovered
in the 17th century.
In Turkey, Halide Edib Adivar
came of age at the beginning
of the 20th century. She wrote
articles on women's liberation
and she was also a novelist.
Most of this information comes
from a book called Women
Imagine Change: A Global Anthology
of Women's Resistance from 600
BCE to the Present. It's
chock-full of other great information,
hope that helps with your report.