Thanks for your note to
and for all of the nice things
that you said about our site.
It's rare that we get to stop
and reflect on how positive
this site is for so many people--and
notes like yours encourage me
to do that. So thank you!
To learn more about female
brutality in Indonesia, Africa
and North America, I have a
couple of suggestions. First
one of the issues on the Platform
for Action, which came out of
the Beijing Conference for Women
in 1995 was a Platform on violence
and women in armed conflict.
This was put on the document
because it is an issue or these
issues affect women around the
world. So I suggest looking
at that document as a start.
You can access it through WEDO--Women's
Environment and Development
Also looking at the issue
of brutality, there is a great
book called Exterminate All
the Brutes. Another approach
is to look at each country--some
of this is possible via the
Beijing Platform, which breaks
it down by issue and by country,
but also through agencies working
in each of these countries.
Robin Morgan's anthology--Sisterhood
Is Global looks at women
country by country and gives
a summary. There are entries
on each of these countries (Africa
is broken down my country, not
listed as a continent).
Also Equality
Now works in most of these
countries and probably has information,
too. I hope that helps--and
thanks again for all of the
sweet things you said about
our site. As much as we give
you confidence, it's notes like
yours that give us confidence
- thanks.