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Dear Amy,

I'm writing my final media studies critique on the HBO hit, Sex and the City . I'm trying to answer the question: Are the show's characters true ultramodern feminists or masked conformists? I'm currently leaning towards the latter considering their endless pursuit of men and "obsessive consumption" disorders. Maybe through the notable rift between the characters of Charlotte and Samantha, the show is illustrating the role of women in transition. Is the show providing us with any concrete answers or simply posing more controversial (and frustrating) questions?

I hope you can help me!




Dear Julie --

The real question that your question to me raises is "is there a true ultramodern feminist?" I don't think there is one way to be a feminist and with that said, I do think that elements of the characters are feminist -- struggling with jobs, their biological clocks, etc...

Yes, they obsess about men and money, and what money can buy, but they also complicate this by having it played out among girlfriends who challenge each other and who challenge their personas. I think that there is a freedom that these "girls" balance with the constraints of society, that is very real, which is obviously very different from true, but I think a better gauge.

Good luck,

- Amy

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