Dear Amy,
I have just been reading a few comments sent to you by many women of their concerns
on how women are portrayed in the media, specifically as sex objects. This
is an issue that is very close to my heart. I find it so devastating to have
to look around me and see semi-naked women everywhere, somehow not aimed for
the female eyes it seems? I cant help wondering why this is allowed to continue?
Why something hasn't been done about it, since many women seem to feel
the same?
I do believe this is the main major feminist concern of our time! Since it is
all around us, with no escape! Living in a world unfortunately controlled by
the media, (which was the major cause for the revolutionary 60's) and
aimed at the male sex, and I, as a woman, feel belittled and used by this, it
makes me feel as though men are somehow under the impression that theyÕre
in control, and the superior.
I saw this advert on TV the other day for the magazine "maxim" -
two guys deliberately got dumped by their girlfriends so that they could look
at this magazine full of all the "hot, sexy girls" that they can
text and email etc. And so many other advertisements use this getting dumped
by the girlfriend and its advantages on their magazine reading. What does this
say about the relationship and attitudes between men and women?! Is this suggesting
that men would rather have these fake, idealistic images of girls our media considers
"sexy" to drool over, rather than a real woman with a brain? The fact that
women may actually have a personality seems somehow lost in the media (unless
it involves how they are in bed!) and its everywhere!! Just the other day I
walked into my friends room to find his walls completely plastered with pictures
of semi-naked women from FHM, I find it absolutely sickening! Not only the
offense at women's
figures being used, but also because I guess I lost a bit of my faith in the
opposite sex, are all men really this shallow, pathetic and immoral?
And what of the effects this has on the self - confidence and image of women
themselves? Many women feel they have these unrealistic standards the media has
set to live up to in order to be wanted by a man! It's no wonder anorexia
and depression effects so many young girls these days! Even being in a relationship,
and having the unwanted uncertainty and insecurity of "is he only with
my because he likes the way I look?" or even the thought that he must
see thousands of women that are apparently so much more beautiful than you could
ever hope to be. Of course, one can argue that this is not the correct way for
women to think, and I would agree, living up to the expectations of men should
never be a goal for any women, however, I do also think that the want to be loved,
and loved for who you are, is what makes us human!
I do consider myself very fortunate that the man I am with happens to agree and
respect the majority of my moral and political views, however, after three years,
there is still this uncertainly, call it insecurity perhaps. Even though he often
tells me I am beautiful etc, I find myself wondering if he looks at these images
and thinks "I wish my girlfriend looked like that". so this isn't
just an issue when I am offended by seeing these images, but way of life that
I am constantly aware of! Is the media stopping me getting close to the man that
I love? Will I ever find piece of mind while this is allowed to continue? Can
we ever trust our men to love us for who we are, and not wish that we were something
Secondly, I would like to ask if there is anything I can do on the matter, besides
avoiding it - I do not buy these magazines or anything that supports this. And
I am intending to write to these companies expressing my view. But it is a matter
I feel very passionately about and would like to do more, any groups, meetings,
or anything else you can think of that I may take part in would be much appreciated?
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Would really appreciate a response!!
Any response!
Thank you again,
Lisa |
Dear Lisa --
I certainly agree that the media
present and unrealistic view/perspective of everything
-- not just women's bodies, mens, too and race,
etc.... However, I also think that the more damaging
influence is not the media, but our peers. The
media is an easy outlet, but the fact is that
we are more likely to be silently competitive
with our peers than with someone we don't really
know. I think that we owe it to ourselves to
do both -- challenge the media and also each
One project that you might like to know
about: The Girls, Women and Media Project --
I hope that helps to more positively direct your
frustrations -- thanks.
- Amy