Dear Amy,
Why is it that the sexist word "bitch" can
be used in offensive context on certain radio
stations and television channels in certain time
slots, while racist words cannot ever be used?
I don't know if my observations are entirely
accurate, but I have noticed the word "bitch" being
used in a derogatory manner by one male character
against another female character on my favorite
television show, while racist terms are never
used by a Caucasian character against a minority
character during a conflict in the storyline.
I am not a great advocate of censorship, but
I do want things to be fair. How can I address
the issue of possibly banning the word "bitch" in
a derogatory manner from public airwaves as other
extremely offensive words rightly are?
Thank you for your time,
Lisa |
Lisa --
I actually think the moment might
be right for you to pursue such a limitation
-- there is a strong FCC crackdown happening
right now and I think that stations feel vulnerable
and therefore anyone telling them that this is
offensive and it shouldn't happen is likely to
be met with a greater response than it usually
would. I would actually start by contact the
FCC -- Federal Communications Commission -- and
see what they can provide in terms of guidelines.
The race analogy is a good one, however, people
don't seem to think they are the same thing
-- they certainly feel that race is serious
and sexism is just women being sensitive. Good
- Amy