What qualifies a movie as feminist is certainly
about personal preference -- and certainly debatable.
Personally, I can think of the following:
- The Goodbye Girl
- A Question of Silence
- Fight Club
- Charlie's Angels
- The Color Purple
- Girl Fight
- Terms of Endearment
- Thelma and Louise
So many more I'm sure...... The qualities of
a feminist film are accurate representation of
women and their roles and responsibilities; also
who is behind the movie -- are women the creators
as much as those represented?; Do these roles
fight stereotypes or perpetuate them? Also, it's
as important to use movies to break male stereotypes
as it is to break female stereotypes -- like how
Fight Club fights against the expectations
of men and masculinity.
For more on feminism and film -- try the book
Reel Women, the organization, Women
Make Movies and NY Women in Film and Television--these
will lead you to feminist directors.
Good luck.
-- Amy