this is sort of broad, but I
was wondering why girls my age
(teens-twenties) don't really
seem interested in feminism.
Is it because it's such a part
of our lives we don't feel a
need for a revolution or just
apathy? Teens spend billions
of dollars a year. If they boycotted
a certain company for sexist
ads or a concert where girls
are getting hurt, etc., they
would probably make a change.
Why don't they use that power?
I think we are on the same wavelength.
I actually just co-wrote a book,
Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism
& the Future. Among the
things we (my co-author, Jennifer,
and I) explore is how our generation
(basically anyone born after
the mid-60s) was born with feminism
in the water, therefore, we
often live feminist lives without
feeling an obligation to be
vocal about it.This
doesn't so much mean that feminism
isn't alive, but that it is
so alive that it is a part of
our lives.
totally agree, too, about the
potential of our earning potential.
And, as I've been traveling
around the country as a part
of my book tour, I have frequently
been asked what to do and I
usually encourage each group
to use their consumer power
to feminism's advantage. For
instance, one letter to an advertiser
protesting a sexist ad might
not be effective, but what if
each of us in this room collective
did something -- then a 100
letters might make them think.
I think that what you and I
can do -- that is two people
who are aware of our potential
-- is to help galvanize other
people's potential. I hope that
helps and confirms that you
aren't alone in your thinking.
for writing,