am interested in writing an
autobiography of myself. It
is based on my military experience,
questions that people have about
my sexuality, abuse and more.
How would I go about publishing
this book and trying to make
it successful?
that you are a first time author
with little writing experience
-- my first suggestion is that
you get an agent. If you are
a published author you might
be able to go directly to publishers,
but even then an agent is a
good go-between. However, before
you contact an agent, you should
have a good idea of what you
want to address in the book
-- even have specific chapters
outlined. Plus, you have to
make a case as to why your book
will have an audience and what
that audience will be. For instance,
is it for women who want to
enter the military, etc. You
should also spend some time
at a bookstore and/or library
and find out what other books
exist in this category. Ideally
yours will be unique and you
will be able to present that
unique perspective. Even if
there are others like what you
are proposing, you have to make
a case about how yours will
be different.
are all of the questions you
will need to address in a proposal.
Next you need to find an agent.
I'm not sure where you are--but
perhaps there is an agent in
your area--look in the yellow
pages under "literary agents."
There are a few in NYC who are
feminist friendly. Write them
a letter outlining everything
mentioned above and even include
your more detailed proposal.
If they want to work with you,
they will probably help to fine-tune
your proposal, then send it
out to editors and/or publishing
houses whom they think will
be interested. Then you will
see if anyone is interested.
hope that helps and thanks for
telling your story. I'm sure
that many people will benefit
from it.