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I am currently researching into feminist publishing houses for my MA dissertation. However, I am finding it quite difficult to locate any information concerning them. Would you be able to recommend any titles or websites, any information would be fantastic!



Dear Steven,

It's likely that you are having a hard time researching feminist publishing houses because few exist. There is The Feminist Press, which is based in New York City at CUNY (City University of New York). There is Zed Books, which is based in London and smaller presses like Chickory Blue, which focuses on poetry and older women. Also Seven Stories, which publishes a range of genres. There are also progressive houses - like Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, Seal Press and Four Walls Eight Windows and South End Press. There used to be Kitchen Table Women of Color Press, but I don't think it exists any more.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some - perhaps you could look under feminist titles and see who publishes them. I hope that helps.



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