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I am a Greek girl guide and I work in a worldwide seminar that will take place in London U.K. from 10 to 20 of April. I am looking for bibliography or any articles on the theme "Women in the Marketing Procedure". Thanking you in advance, Demi

Thanks for your note and congratulations on your work. As for Women in the Marketing Procedure--I would guess that the best place to start would be an advertising firm. For starters, I would contact Advertising Women of New York (153 East 57th Street, New York, New York 10022; #212-593-1950). They may have a website or address, but unfortunately, I don't know it.

Also, you might want to contact Working Woman Magazine, which has done several stories on this and given the content of the magazine, which has advertising, they might have first hand experience.

There is also a great article by Gloria Steinem--"Sex, Lies and Advertising". This focuses on how advertising limits editorial content of magazines and often times they miss the point about how to market to women. This article is available in her book, Moving Beyond Words. Good luck and I hope this helps.



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