need some help in finding any
articles/information on the
damage that advertising/fashion/models
has on women. How they portray
women in scantily clad clothes,
how they must be model thin
and sickly. I am writing a paper
for college and have exhausted
myself in trying to find any
sources written on this subject.
Can you help direct me at all
in the right direction? I would
be ever so grateful. Thank you
for any consideration in this
matter. Sincerely, Rachelle
you for your note. Two places
to start for information regarding
the negative impact advertising,
etc.... has on women are:
Gloria Steinem's article "Sex,
Lies, and Advertising," available
in her book Moving Beyond
Words (Simon & Schuster,
Naomi Wolf's book The
Beauty Myth.
I hope these help--they also
reference many other sources.
Good luck.