how are you guys doing? I am
G'bum (pretty unusual name,
isn't it?), an international
student in New Zealand. I am
doing my thesis this semester
regarding "propaganda" and "exploitation
of women in TV commercials".
I'm just wondering if any of
you guys could respond with
the subject of my thesis that
would be great. I don't need
anything in particular, your
opinion will be enough, though.
One more thing, what images
do you guys find most degrading
to women? Your collaboration
is greatly appreciated!
think the best resource may
be FAIR - Fair and Accuracy
in Reporting (# in NYC - 212-343-2353).
They have a women's desk and
may have just the information
you need. Also Gloria Steinem
wrote an article - Sex,
Lies and Advertising,
which talks about how advertisers
control editorial content of
magazines. You can find the
article in an old issue of Ms. Magazine - July/August 1990 or in her
book Moving Beyond Words,
Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Ms. Magazine currently has a section - "No
Comment" where they reprint
degrading ads. You should check
it out.