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I am currently researching for my essay entitled feminist filmmaking in the seventies and was rather hoping you might know of some good sites for me to look at. Thanks for your help, Lucy.

Just as feminism was just taking off in the seventies, so was feminist filmmaking. And just as there are many more places to step forward in the world at large, filmmaking is still a world that has been hard for women to break into, let alone women and men with a feminist agenda.

However, in the seventies there were some pioneering things such as the early work of Lilly Tomlin and the creation of organizations like Women Make Movies. One of the important things to note about feminist filmmaking in the seventies, is that though many feminist films weren't being made in the seventies the work that was done during that time really paved the way for women today: Sherry Lansing, Penny Marshall, etc... So it's important to look at what was accomplished as a result of the seventies as much as what was accomplished in the seventies.


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