Just as feminism was just taking
off in the seventies, so was
feminist filmmaking. And just
as there are many more places
to step forward in the world
at large, filmmaking is still
a world that has been hard for
women to break into, let alone
women and men with a feminist
However, in the seventies there
were some pioneering things
such as the early work of Lilly
Tomlin and the creation of organizations
like Women Make Movies.
One of the important things
to note about feminist filmmaking
in the seventies, is that though
many feminist films weren't
being made in the seventies
the work that was done during
that time really paved the way
for women today: Sherry Lansing,
Penny Marshall, etc... So it's
important to look at what was
accomplished as a result of
the seventies as much as what
was accomplished in the seventies.