I have this question that I
want to get more information
on but even when I talk to freinds,
I cannot get enough that will
satisfy my curiosity. I hope
that at FEMINIST.COM, I may
get the answer to satisfy me.
My question to you is:
How have the mass media served
the feminist agenda of equality
in the areas of the economy,
politics, and society in general.
Your reply should reflect a
careful consideration of the
question. You should illustrate
your answer with references
from the products of the mass
media, i.e. radio, television,
magazines, newspapers, etc.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Given the nature of your question--and
its wording--I'm suspicious
that I'm doing your homework
for you. Regardless, I think
that mass media has equally
"served" the feminist agenda
and "disserved" the feminist
agenda. The mass media still
operates under the assumption
that all feminists think alike--and
too often treats it as a fringe
movement that is composed of
a group of angry women who are
working to put women in positions
of power by taking that power
away from men. For instance,
the other day a cover story
for U.S. News & World Report
read "60% of College Students
are Female, What Happened to
the Boys." In reality, what
happened "to the boys" is that
they could get better paying
jobs without having to go to
college, therefore, the girls
are the real suckers. This is
just one example of how the
media continues to use women's
supposed progress as a way of
attempting to sidetrack or de-rail
that progress. This happens
on a daily basis in the media.
other perpetual problem is that
when feminists do succeed--for
instance in fighting for the
Family Leave Act or the child-care
tax credit--the media rarely
attributes these "feminist successes"
to feminists. That said, there
are also positive examples of
the mass media--for instance,
places such as Ms. Magazine
exist, and even Jane Magazine
recently had a great story on
the female astronauts that were
trained with John Glenn, and
Marie Claire had one
on female genital mutilation.
For more on all of the above
you should read Susan Faludi's
and Susan Douglas's Where
the Girls Are.
Good luck -- and hopefully this
will stir your mind to come
up with your own examples. Just
read the newspaper or watch
the news with a gender senstive