Hi Amy,
I am a college student from Denmark and consider
myself a feminist. The other day, a friend of
mine, a man, started a debate with me about feminist
ideals, and looking back, I am disappointed that
I didn't have a more articulate argument.
What we talked about was the working condition
of women. I study computer science and in the
class there is only 3 girls, while the rest are
all men. What we talk about was that when a woman
and a man have the same qualities and the same
education and they both attend the same job interview,
the company will probably pick the man.
According to my friend, and he is right, the
companies only think about money so when you
have a man and a woman with the same qualities
they will surely choose a man because he will
not have to, in future, take some time off in
order to be pregnant like some women probably
will need to.
His argument was that the companies only think
about money so they will of course choose the
man. And I am afraid that I was not able to give
a good arguments against this...the only thing
I was able to say is that it is unfair that we
women in a way are "punished" for giving
birth to the world, because face it; if it wasn't
for us, the world would be doomed. And that it
was unfair for us to be punished in that way!
What would you say to a statement like this?
Also he mentioned about how we, the women, want
equality but when it comes to things like the
army, which all men in Denmark have to do when
they turn 18, we do not want equality there!
I said to him that if the paradise came and both
women and men have the SAME equality then the
women would not be against this, but he said
I was wrong, and since I am very bad at debating
I just did not know what to say , so I just said
Hope you can help me.
Good to hear from you and it is very
hard to debate -- it's a fine line between
listening and having strong opinions.
If your
opinions are too strong than you loose the
ability to have a conversation with those who
disagree. When it comes to the workplace, there
are several companies who actually want to invest
in their workers and they see that women are
often more loyal employees. A way to circumvent
the fear of women leaving would be to ensure
that more men took paternity leave.
There are
some companies out there -- Hewlett Packard
is perhaps the most famous, who pride themselves
on having a good percentage of female workers
and being an equally competitive/successful
company. Also, your friend seems to be assuming
that you can't make a profit if women are employed,
that's just not true and some companies are willing
to sacrifice a few million in earnings for
a quality of their workplace.
In terms of the
army, women are actually the ones fighting
to get into the military and it's men who are
keeping them out. So the situation comes back
to men having to make more changes in order for
society to change.
I hope that helps,
- Amy