Dear Amy,
I just want to simply share this story with
One of the most exciting things has just happened
to me!: I got cast in a part at my college in
Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues"!
I am very excited!
As an actress, whenever I need to study a role,
I do research to get a much better understanding
of the parts I play. In this case: Feminism.
Before this, I had the wrong impression of feminism.
I've met quite a few women who were anti-feminist,
who believed that feminism has been taken "too
far", and that it ruined the traditional
roles of a "woman's place in society, which
as a housewife, a caretaker for her husband and
children". They made feminists sound like
they were evil beings, and I didn't like that
at all. I want to have a career before any of
these things - that's my choice. So, it made
me think that they thought "I" was
evil for defying those traditions. On the other
hand, I've met some women who claimed they were
feminists, but had this huge grudge against men
or thought that women were better than men.
So, I thought that if you wanted to be a feminist,
you HAD to think that you were better than men,
but at the same time, I couldn't stand those
who were against feminism. Just to let you know:
I wasn't against feminism or feminists. I was
against the idea of being anti-male or changing
my beliefs just to be accepted as a feminist
and other feminists. Luckily, I've found that
there is a HUGE difference between a true feminist
and a sexist. I learned that feminists are for
equality between men and women, and about the
different sects (even though I learned that a
few feminists aren't crazy about the sects).
I learned that it was okay to still adore guys
and be for Women's' Rights at the same time!
^^ I learned that feminism has brought us so
many rights that have helped improve our lives.
I didn't have a full understanding towards feminism
at all, I'm sorry to say. Now that I am doing "The
Vagina Monologues" and have a much better
understanding to the true meaning of feminism,
I embrace feminism like I never have before.
You could say that I found the "feminist" in
From everything that I've learned, I feel that
girls around my age group - late teens to early
twenties - don't realize how lucky we are! We
have almost everything that the women before
us hoped to have now. I can't imagine our world
without having legal abortions, the right to
vote, birth control pills, etc., etc., etc. We're
really lucky, and as a young girl, I'm thankful
for the women who fought for these rights! I'm
looking forward to becoming a woman myself now!
There are some things a few select feminists
believe in that I, personally, don't (the whole
porn being linked with sexual abuse issue for
one -- I know I'm NOT the only one). And there
are still some things I like that a few feminists
don't like (Eminem for example - I've always
been a fan of his, I still am, because I don't
take his lyrics seriously at all.). But that's
me, and I wouldn't change anything about myself
just to be accepted by others. I respect people
for their opinions that are opposite of mine,
so I hope that others will do the same for me.
I found a website to helped me understand myself
as a feminist called Feminists For Free Expression
(http://www.ffeusa.org/index.html). As feminists,
isn't that what we do? Stick to our own beliefs,
but respect others' as well? Isn't that all a
part of being - not just a good feminist, but
a good person?
So, Amy, I am a new-born-baby-feminist! There's
so much more I want to absorb, too. It's just
that now that I've found my feminist side, I
don't want anyone to get the wrong impression
of me. Like I don't want the anti-femmes to think
I believe following traditions is wrong (even
though I defy them since it's my choice to want
to become a career woman instead) or that I am
anti-male like the sexists. If I have to defend
myself as a feminist, that's going to be the
tough part. And because I am young, people might
think, "She has no idea what she's talking
about, she's too young." But the truth is,
at least I NOW know the true meaning of feminism,
because I've found the "feminist" in
me!!!!! *smiles*
PS: It's
up to you whether or not you want to put
this email on your site. Either way is fine
with me. Like I said, I just wanted to share
this story with you. *lol*
Keep up the good work on Feminist.com!