"male feminist friend", who
used to be more than a friend,
metaphorically told me that
he needed to soar with other
birds and that I was building
a cage for him. Is the temptation
of women and need to pursue
them truly a love for women?
As a man, does "sowing your
wild oats" show a love or a
disdain for women (even if it
is one woman at a time)? Here
is a quote from Tiger on the
MS boards: "I LOVE women" -
how often have I heard that
come out of a misogynist's mouth,
and he truly believes it. Especially
in a culture that purports to
celebrate female beauty.
in advance for your opinion,
think that a man can be a "player"
-- as in sleep with lots of
women -- and not necessarily
be a misogynist. It's all a
matter of expectations, for
instance, if the women are just
sleeping with him. The problem
is entirely in intent - for
instance, if his intent is to
use/manipulate her without any
consideration for her -- then
he is being sexist. There are
women who engage in this same
behavior--and they are equally
guilty of being sexist. However,
the act of "sleeping around"
isn't what makes someone sexist,
it's the motivation and the
hope that's clear,