name is Chloe and I am a 19-year-old
girl currently studying photography
at the University of Florida,
but I have come across a most
shattering problem. I feel that
there is basically NOTHING for
me to do in this world as a
feminist artist. Most successful
artists in this world are men.
I have considered changing my
major, but everything I am interested
in seems to be dominated by
men and very exclusive/competitive.
I need some advice about what
a young girl like me can do
when it seems as if this world
offers little options for women
other than roles as secretaries
or homemakers (not to downplay
any of those careers, but its
not for me).
- Chloe
I think there are many people
have felt exactly the way you
feel, but imagine what the world
would be like if all of us resigned
ourselves to that thinking?
Women would surely have even
less representation than they
do now. It is not easier being
a minority if whatever profession
you choose, especially because
it means that you have to devote
time both to your passion and
to changing the circumstances.
just had dinner with a friend
who was pursuing a PhD. in English.
She was committed to doing academia
differently--she wanted to do
away with the hierarchies, the
condescension, etc. However,
she realized that it was harder
to do than she thought. And
the problem she realized was
that there were probably other
people just like her, but the
nature of academia divides people
and keeps them from realizing
that they might share something.
So she started talking to people
and realized that other people
felt like she did -- and so
together, they promised to work
on changing the system. Power
in numbers.
a long winded way of saying
that I bet there are other people
just like you--and together
you can make it less isolating
of an experience. And even though
there are few women in certain
professions, there was a time
in the not to distant past,
where there were no women in
many professions. So there is
hope. So my two cents is that
you continue with your passion
and though it may be harder
than you want, your example
will then make is slightly easier
for others, just as your work--just
being at college for instance,
was made possible by the women
who came before you. I hope
that helps.