I actually just received another email from a
woman who went car shopping and was totally humiliated
by the experience -- so I guess that confirmed
your instinct. Interestingly, the consumer protection
that we do have in this country, was actually
designed, iniatiated and implemented by a feminist
-- Esther Peterson -- who unfortunately passed
away a few years ago, well into her 90s, but in
the 60s she really began the concept of consumer
protection and among other things fought for and
designed labeling to go onto all food
As far as today is concerned, I don't know of
any group that handles these issues in an umbrella
sense -- there are certain branches of the better
business bureau that are more responsive and feminist
than others. Though this doesn't already exist
-- perhaps it's something that you want to explore
in your own community? It could become a model
for others -- and if you do start something, be
sure to let feminist.com know.
Good luck,