is a minor issue compared with all the other injustices
against women, but I was wondering if there was
any active effort to make all the paperwork related
to home-financing more gender equal. My husband
and I are in the process of closing on our third
home loan during our married life, and I continually
get disgruntled that his name is placed first
on all the papers we sign. It has nothing to do
with alphabetical ordering of names or income
levels (which would all logically put my name
first), it's merely because he's the male head
of the household. At our most recent closing,
we were asked to provide a copy of our marriage
certificate because my last name is different
than his. When I asked, they indicated we would
not have to provide the marriage certificate if
our last names were the same.
think that all injustices are a part of the same
puzzle. So yes, some pieces seem more crucial,
but all need to be overcome in order to achieve
greater gender parity. One woman isn't equal until
all women are equal - and similarly one issue
isn't resolved without others being resolved,
too. The reason that the home-financing loans
haven't been equalized, perhaps, is because people
don't realize that it happens and don't realize
that they have the power to change things.
way to create change is to name the problem and
to educate others about the problem, then to educate
yourself on how to go about changing it. This
usually requires going right the source - asking
the bank how this happened and what you could
do to change it. It's happened before with similar
things, so I have faith that it can happen again.