was wondering if you had any suggestions for my
situation. I am a college freshman at Knox College
in Galesburg, IL, and a member of Pi Beta Phi.
On our campus there are two sororities (us and
Delta Delta Delta - which is very annoying to
type) and five fraternities. My problem here is
that we don't have Greek houses, and the boys
do. The main reason for this is lack of funding.
Within the last few years, we obtained two "houses"
(the Pi Phi bungalow and the Tri-Delt Lodge, as
they're called) that are not residential and are
only really used for meetings, rush, and ceremonies,
and the occasional movie night. We must have an
alum there if anyone is sleeping over. This recent
investment in so-called houses and the lack of
well-off alums has caused us serious problems
in getting somewhere to live.
enough of the background. I'm contacting you NOT
for a check (since women's movements aren't really
that well funded, as far as I can tell) but for
any advice of how we could get a "check" or at
least support for our house. As you can see, this
is an extremely sexist situation and the only
thing keeping me from pushing Pi Phi to sue the
school is the fact that the school has no money.
But the fact remains that fraternities literally
pay about $1 per year in housing since all the
room and board fees go back to them since they're
living in the frat house. We pay MORE than them
- in dues - and still get nothing to show for
the chance that you may have the idea that we,
as a sorority, are somehow conforming to patriarchal
society's perception of women, I would like to
clarify that we are most certainly not. Personally,
I get called the "feminazi" by my friends and
am extremely pro choice. If you have any ideas
on support and/or fundraising, that would be most
Thank you for your time (especially since I've
been long-winded),
don't know if you have explored invoking Title
IX funding in your situation - Title IX funding
requires that schools commit equal amounts of
funding to men's and women's programming. Given
the situation you explained, it doesn't seem like
your school is in compliance with this federal
legislation. I suggest that you explore more about
Title IX, which you can do through your own school
or through the federal government, the Department
of Education or the department of Budget & Finance.
this doesn't work, which it should since not doing
so would be in violation of this federal legislation,
you should try looking at how many female students
are at your school vs. male students and count
up the amount of tuition spent by each gender.
My guess is that your school has a larger female
population than male population. If so, your school
should be committing even more money to women's
programming than to men's.
hope that helps - and mostly, I hope that you
get justice, since the current situation seems
incredibly unjust.