is my long-winded question: A close friend of
mine associates with someone at her college (which
happens to be a very liberal all-girls school),
is biologically female. She insists that people
refer to her as "he," and apparently has gone
to great efforts in her life to convince others
that she is a male "on the inside," and that she
"feels like she was born a male."
I won't pretend to understand what would make
someone feel this way about themselves, nor do
I think anyone like this should be *stopped* from
saying whatever they want, but since I look at
this person's situation as a simple denial of
reality, my question is this: How justified am
I in feeling emotions as strong as anger towards
this person, for trying to claim she is something
she is not?
I tried explaining my point of view to my friend,
who acknowledges this person's wishes to be referred
to as "him,". I even gave the extreme example
of, "Fine then, I declare that I am a tree, and
henceforth I want everyone to refer to me as a
tree, not a human,". To me it is identical to
the situation I'm addressing: What right does
someone have to expect those around them to subscribe
to the same confusion that they do? And why does
it seem like this particular situation is more
socially acceptable than if someone were to make
other untrue claims about themselves? Any light
you could shed on this subject would be greatly
the tree
I have toured this country the past two years
-- mostly lecturing at colleges -- I have been
in many conversations similar to the one that
you are having. The problem with how this system
is set up is that it's classist to assume that
you have to have an operation in order to prove
that you really believe that you are another gender
-- because who can afford this is very limited.
However, to not have the operation means that
you can change your mind. Interestingly, those
who have the operation actually believe that they
are another gender and forget they were ever another
gender -- whereas people who don't have the operation,
for the most part, consider themselves transgender.
I get your argument -- and I have ones of my own
-- which is mostly that when people talk about
being liberated from their gender roles, why can't
you be the same gender, which is really only biology,
and have different mannerisms, etc.. that are
individual and gender free. Why replace one set
of stereotypes with another? That said, I think
we also have to respect those who have felt trapped
by their gender and are trying to liberate themselves
and for them the way to do so is to claim that
they are another gender. Does that all make sense?