have been assigned two papers
this semester. One for my Feminist
Theory class, and another for
my Int'l Women's Studies class.
I would like your help in selecting
interesting and focused topics
for each, as well as your aid
in finding reliable and recent
sources (this may include articles,
videos, and films as well as
books). I'm considering writing
about Cuban Women/Feminism,
(my parents are Cuban) but I
am at a loss for sources-any
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Yours, Aleida
so much for your note to Feminist.com
and for asking me to help with
your paper. For your Feminist
Theory Class, I have such a
hard time with the word "theory"
because I feel that what we
should be focusing on is "practice,"
so my proposal is that your
paper focus on "how to move
from theory to practice" and
in this focus on a specific
focus area such as "women in
the workplace." It's nice to
theorize about how to change
the status of women in the workplace,
but why not pick one specific
example of how to actually change
it and follow through on that
specifically, we now have many
examples of women who have "broken
the glass ceiling." However,
if you look at any profession
that is more than 70% female,
it is a low-wage job. Is the
solution to have more men in
these jobs? One, I doubt we
could convince them to take
them and two, if we did I bet
they's become more respected
and valued jobs. (For some more
on this, you might want to look
at Gloria Steinem's article:
"Revaluing Economics" found
in her book Moving
Beyond Words. In this article
she references the work of Hazel
Henderson, Marilyn Waring, Vandana
Shiva. All are great resources--if
you choose this path.)
For your second proposal on
Cuban Women/ Feminism--I think
this is a great proposal--and
there have many recent acts
by U.S. feminists toward the
Cuban people. For instance,
the organization MADRE
(based in the U.S.) has led
several delegations to Cuba
to bring relief to the Cuban
people. There is also an article
by Alice Walker about her recent
trips there--see her book, Anything We Love Can Be Saved. Also,
there a few recently published
books to the effect of "women
writing about Cuba." See your
local bookstore or the Feminist.com
I hope this response helps.