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If you have someone available who might help me look for funding for services for women in rural area (I would like to start a center which would offer advocacy and therapy for women who have experienced domestic violence) who might offer some assistance such as funding available or how to write the grants. Thank you. - Judy

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM, but mostly for your work, which sounds like it will make a big difference for the women in "that" rural area. I have a few suggestions:

1.) In New York City, there is a place called The Support Center which offers support to individuals and/or organizations who are looking for funding and for information such as how to write a grant proposal. (I assume they have a webpage or certainly they can be found through directory assistance in NYC.)

2.) There is the Foundation Center, with an office in New York City and elsewhere. They have information on foundations and funding from such foundations. They break it down by issues--such as "domestic violence."

3.) There is something called Foundation News and Commentary, which is a magazine for the grantmaking community. (PO Box 96043, Washington, DC 20077-7188; 800-771-8187.

4.) There are also specific foundations that I suggest you approach for funding such as the Ms. Foundation for Women, which has been a pioneer in funding domestic violence prevention programs, and the Sister Fund, ditto.

I hope these suggestions help you to fullfill your plan. It is certainly worthy of support


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