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Hello, my name is Eva. I am from Sydney, Australia. I am presently in second year at Macarthur University, studying Social Work. I am writing my essay on Feminist theories of the patriarchal family. My questions are:

1. What explanation does Mitchell.J (1976) give for the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy and the place of the family?

2. Is she correct to priorities social class over gender?

3. What other kinds of explanation have been given for the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy?

Thank you Amy so much and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Eva

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM. In response to your questions:

1. What explanation does Mitchell.J (1976) give for the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy and the place of the family?
I can't attempt to put words in Mitchell's mouth--have you read her book?

2. Is she correct to priorities social class over gender?
I don't think that class and gender can be separated--nor can race. For instance, even if you are of a "higher" social class" your gender is still an issue. These are three interelated movements and each has the same oppressive forces fighting against them--i.e. patriarchy.

3. What other kinds of explanation have been given for the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy?
I think "capitalism and patriarchy" are related because both are based on a hierarchy. What feminism is attempting to do is to create a full circle approach rather than a linear one. One that is based on equality, not domination of either class or gender.


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