are so right that we--everyone--ignores
things until we are hit with
them. I always make this point
when talking about the medical
establishment--we spend so much
time working on cures and too
little on prevention even though
in most instances we know how
to prevent things.
Most of the groups that I know
of that work with women and
the prison system, are working
with women when they are released.
There are a few places that
I suggest you go for suggestions:
1.) The Women's Prison Association--the
work they do that I am familiar
with is with female inmates,
but I'm hoping they might have
other purposes (#212-674-1163).
2.) ACE-OUT (#212-398-4041),
which works with HIV positive
women getting out of prison.
Again, they may have other resources
or at least be linked to other
I'm sorry that this isn't much
help. I will investigate some
more, but in the meantime I
hope that these help.