saw Mary Daly on the "Today"
show this morning. She is sueing
Boston College for wrongful
termination because she teaches
men and women separately and
refuses to allow men into the
same classroom at the same time
as women when she teaches. I
am surprised I couldn't find
anything on the issue when I
did a search...maybe I just
didn't search far enough. What
I want to do is email a message
of support for her and her position.
Any suggestions or an email
address would be helpful.
She handled the interview with
rarely seen restraint and intelligence.
She claimed the moral and intellectual
high ground with well articulated
explanations and academic tolerance
which allows all sides to reveal
themselves and the listener
to come to her/his own conclusion...regardless
of what that may be. - Bree
for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
for your support of Mary Daly--who
certainly needs it. I'm glad
that she was on the "Today Show"--and
that people are now beginning
to talk about it in the context
of "wrongful termination"--rather
than what she did.
To learn more about what you
could/should do, I suggest you
contact Mary's attorney: Gretchen
Van Ness, 44 School Street,
Suite 510, Boston, MA 02108;
(617) 723-5060; fax (617) 723-6545.
Also, there was a piece about
her case in the June/July issue
of Ms.