I'm in my final year at college
and preparing my thesis, I would
like to look at the subject
of the mother goddess. I would
also like to compare and contrast
the role of ancient women to
the portrayal of women today,
in the context of art, religion,
and literature. I was hoping
that maybe you could suggest
some information for me. I would
be much appreciated Yours Sincerely,
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for thinking of us for help
with your thesis. To learn more
about the "mother goddess" I
have a couple initial suggestions:
1.) Riane Eisler's The Chalice and the Blade.
2.) Women
Imagine Change--an anthology
that has an entire section of
spirituality which has a few
references and many resources
on the mother goddess.
3.) Delving into indigenous
cultures and specifically Native
American writings.