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I first began to read about and hear about this oppression in Afghanistan from other sources years ago, and when I saw the TV program tonight with video from the country, I was extremely troubled. I intend to do all I can to stand up for these women.

When I logged on to your URL, however, I was hoping that your thinking, in general, would be more reasonable. I am disappointed in your language. "religions worldwide marginalize women" suggests a categorical analysis that reflects the extremism I have frequently encountered among feminists.

I am a pastor, and one of the problems some women encounter (and my experience is not rare) in my congregation is husbands who are unsupportive of their participation. These men often have the impression that a church can militate against the domineering hand of masculinity. They are discomforted that in the context of our church, battery and pornography are exposed for what they are. But their sins don't have to be that extreme: may of these men simply don't want any other voices of authority to influence their households. We have women's support groups whose commitment to biblical truth which all too easily pulls the cover on the ways of some of these men.

Our ultimate aim is to release these men for the prisons that is their lifestyle, but until that happens, we begin by building the dignity of women.

Thanks, David Moore

Thanks for your note--and for sharing your concern and experiences with us. I want to begin by clarify the quote you took out of context. When you restated that I said "religions worldwide marginalize women"--this was in the context of not blaming solely Moslim society. I believe that presuming that Islam is bad for women and Christianity is good for women is an unfair generalization. And, if you look at some of the reactions to what is happening in Afghanistan, there is a tendency on the part of many people to blame the religion, when in fact it is certain individuals involved with the religion. This is the case for other religions--the problem is rarely the religion, but the leadership and their oppression of women.

On your other points, it doesn't surprise me that men have a problem with women pursuing their own interests. If this were no longer the case, then feminism will have been successful. As for men's participation, I think that we are at a place in the feminist movement where we need to both liberate women from their roles and men from theirs. This dual liberation is the only way to equality. To get men to realize their own desires--it is going to require some men realizing their own and being an example to those other men.

I hope that helps to clarify, or perhaps it's more confusing.


Hi, Amy:

Sorry. I obviously misunderstood you (though it wasn't hard to misunderstand). Thanks for your response. I am a people student, and am ever learning. - David

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