my name is Mike and I am doing
a debate on legalized prostitution
that goes on in Nevada. I am
a student in California, and
I want to prove that legalizing
prostitution does benefit any
of the women involved in prostitution.
It would be of great help if
you can send me some statistics
showing crime rate and HIV,
and STD occurence for the state
of Nevada where prostitution
is legal. I plan on comparing
those statics to where prostitution
is illegal. I am hoping the
results will show that crime
and HIV transmisson is still
high even though it is legalized.
I would greatly appreciate your
assistance. If you are unable
to assist me, do know of any
other special interest groups
against prostitution?
for your note. Personally, I
agree that if prostitution was
legalized it would actually
present a better situation for
the prostitutes. For instance,
it would be the women commiting
the illegal acts and leaving
the men who prostitute the women
free and clear of this reputation.
Furthermore, it would require
greater education as well as
medical coverage. For your debate,
I actually think a better comparison,
would be to look at The Netherlands,
where prostitution is legal,
accepted and in return, the
women are freer from disease
and even ridicule.
To get statistics for the different
states, you have to contact
the Center for Disease Control,
which is the branch of the U.S.
government that keeps this information.
To look specifically at Nevada
compared to a place like New
York--you should contact the
Center for Disease Control or
the Department of Health and
Human Services in each state.
Also, you could contact the
consulate or embassy for The
Netherlands, to see about comparable
statistics there.
There are groups that are working
to legalize prostitution. In
New York City, there is a group
called POWDER and another called
PONY. Perhaps contact them to
learn what their argument is.