I live in Eugene, Oregon and
am currently attending Lane
Community College. My goal is
to transfer to a four year University
in the Fall of 2000. After staying
home for 20 years raising my
children, I have limited skills
and knowlege. However, after
realizing religion, marriage,
etc all let me down I am finding
my salvation in school. I am
now 40 and want to get on with
my life. My goal is to get a
Bachelors in English and teach
English in other countries.
Do you know of any funds or
a Scholarship program for women
who are 'displaced'? I would
appreciate a reply! Thank You!
for your note. I have actually
received a few queries from
students who are in a similiar
situation to you--older students
returning to school and in need
of scholarship money. Given
this frequent request I always
keep my eyes out for things
in this area. However, I haven't
been that successful. There
is a group on Long Island, New
York called Grandma Winifred's
which specifically funds women
over 50--and scholarships have
been among the things they have
awarded. There are also group
such as the Grey Panthers
(based in Philadephia, PA) and
the Older
Women's League (chapters
in every state)--whose focus
is older women, and therefore,
they might have resources. However,
you seem to be too young for
these funds, and yet, too old
for funds such as the Third
Wave Foundation, which funds
women up to age 30.
organizations that doesn't have
age cutoffs or beginnings is
the Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation. As I
understand, one not need to
be a lesbian to apply. Besides
that, I'm afraid I don't have
any suggestions, but perhaps
your college will. I hope someone
catches on soon to the fact
that this a funding gap--and,
therefore, makes it a priority.
Good luck -- and congratulations
for this latest transition in