hope you can at least direct
me to a place where someone
can address my serious concerns
regarding the family court system.
I have been having a horrible
time, beyond verbal description,
with the court regarding my
children and their father's
visitation. I am on my third
lawyer. It's a small town with
a lot of inbreeding and I'm
hitting brick wall after brick
wall when all I am trying to
do is protect my kids. I have
spoken to so many women who've
had similar problems only to
be told by their lawyers, "too
bad...there's nothing you can
do". I can't believe that short
of having my kids disappear
and leave the country, resulting
in my imprisonment, there's
nothing I can do. Please, I
need help. This garbage of protecting
father's rights is now resulting
in destroying a lot of mothers
out here. What more "women's
issue" is there?
for your note and please don't
take this the wrong way, in
fact I bet you can relate, but
I hate notes like yours because
they make me (and you) feel
so powerless. I can't tell you
how many notes I have received
from women who are in a very
similiar situation to you. I
also know of a few women who
have had to resort to changing
their identities and escaping.
Unfortunately, some times it
is the only option.
There is a book by Phyllis Chesler
Mothers on Trial, which
documents exactly this phenomenon--that
is how biased the courts are
against mothers and toward fathers.
One of the facts that Chesler
uncovers is that in 60-80% of
the cases when fathers ask for
custody they get it. It's just
that they don't ask that often
and, unfortunately, sometimes
when they do they are doing
it because they are trying to
protect their "property." Anyway,
enough restating the obvious,
but I wanted to let you know
about this book in case you
don't already so that you can
possibly find some connections
in it.
Now, for some help. I'm not
sure what state you are in,
but Karen Winner who wrote Divorced
from Justice and who has
an organization of the same
name has a state by state directory
of attorneys who have been helpful
in similiar cases. I suggest
that you start there. (www.divorcedfromjustice.com).
She has been extremely helpful
in the past. If this doesn't
work and you need further recommendations,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck.