I just wanted to express my
opinions and my "outrage" to
you. Why is it that every feminist
group loves to simply target
men and lift yourselves above
men, as if it will help the
situation women are in. I don't
believe in the abuse of women
or even the low pay, (some)
women receive, but it seems
that every feminist group I
run into has to somehow put
me, (males) down in order to
strengthen your cause. Just
curious. Gabe
for your note to Feminist.com--or
should I say, no thanks. Feminist.com
is actually extremely respectful
of men's roles in society--and
there is no "male bashing" going
on here--frankly it's not worth
our time. In fact, what happens
more often than not, is that
people's own insecurities get
in the way of them reading what
information really exists. They
presume this position rather
than reading what is actually