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Hello, I am doing research on women's activism in the 1960-1973. I can't seem to find information on the Miss America Pageant of 1968. Can you please give me some direction on how to obtain information on this subject. If you any other suggestions from this time period please feel free to suggest them to me. Thank you, Holly, Rowan University

The protest at the 1968 Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City was organized by radical feminist groups of the time. You can learn more about this in three sources:

1.) Susan Brownmiller's new book In Our Time--goes into great detail about the planning of the conference, etc...

2.) Daring to Be Bad, a book about the radical feminist movement, has more information about the protest.

3.) The Readers Companion to U.S. Women's History (by Mankiller, Mink, Navarro, Smith and Steinem) has a small entry on it to.

Hopefully you will be able to find these books (you can try our Bookstore). If not, I'd be happy to mail appropriate passages to you--just send your address. Good luck.


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