for your note to Feminist.com
--not to mention attempting
to change the face of hollywood.
My most obvious suggestion for
a feminist play is The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. I say most obvious because the V-Day
site linked from Feminist.com
is related to The Vagina
Monologues, so I would start
Other suggestions are to start
with women friendly theatres--like
La Mama in New York City, which
has featured the work of Amy
Sedaris, New York City's Public
Theatre, which has been one
of the many theatres to show
the work of Anna Deavere Smith,
and the New Georges Theatre,
which is a women run theatre
production company in New York
City. There is also something
to the effect of Women's Theatres
and Productions by Julia Miles.
I can't remember the exact name.
I hope that helps-- good luck,
but mostly enjoy.