not familiar with the Judy Mann
article you are talking about,
but I will answer your question
just the same, keeping in mind
that these are personal opinions.
The Price Men Pay For Being
1.) Economics--Because of the
pay gap and because society
still views men as the primary
wage earners, men pay an enormous
price--literally---for being
seen as the sole financer of
a family.
2.) Political--Men pay a huge
price....as does everyone.....for
having our politics dictated
by a minority for the majority.
3.) In many instances men deprive
themselves of healthy relationships
resulting from an unequal relationship.
They also are deprived in most
cases of equal parenting roles.
Many men also hurt themselves
as the result of not taking
a more active role to end racism,
sexism, homophobia, thereby
allowing us to generalize about
"men." If more men dispelled
the myth that "all men are against
equality" -- these generalizations
could no longer be made.
4.) Health wise, they are more
likely to die younger because
they assume too much "power"
in life and are weighed down
by it. If they weren't so consumed
with being "successful" and
"better" than they could perhaps
live longer. As Gloria Steinem
says......"feminism can actually
increase the life expectancy
of men by equalizing the pressure
they put on their lives."
5.) Education......men pay an
enormous price for only being
taught "white man's history."
By only learning about the accomplishments
of "white men," men wrongly
assume that they have to do
it all. Also, education in general
still puts a price--and a gender---on
each subject area, so some men
end up pursuing careers that
aren't totally of their choosing.
I hope the above helps--good