need a list of feminine and
masculine qualities. Things
like feminine qualities being
nurturing, creation, intuition,
facilitation; and masculine
qualities being mental, action,
imagination, thought, etc. I
have a compilation of yin/yang
qualities from the Chinese view
point, I am now looking for
some more information about
the over all expressions of
both gender qualities. It is
for a paper about nursing. I
thank you for any help you can
offer. Peace James
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Unfortunately, I personally
don't that qualities break down
so neatly into feminine and
masculine. Not to sound too
corny, but I vote for human
qualities. It's what we are
taught not what we are--it's
the nature v. nurture argument.
However, I also know that not
everyone agrees with me. For
more on this, you might want
to read:
- You
Just Don't Understand
by Deborah Tannen
- Men
Are From Mars/Women Are From
Venus by John Gray.
think these will help with your
research. Good luck.