all you kick ass humans at Feminist.com,
My name is Emily, and I'm 14
years old. I'm a very independant
young woman, and I'm secure
with my sexuality. I am a lesbian.
I guess my problem is that I
live in a real small town and
there's not a lot of gay teenagers.
I feel misplaced, and I was
wondering if you knew of any
organizations for gay teens,
or whatever. thanks...Emily
for your note to Feminist.com.
There is a great organization
called the Hetrick-Martin Institute,
which does tons of work with
gay, lesbian, bixsexual teenagers.
Although they are based in New
York City, they should be able
to share resources with you
and maybe even link you up with
other organizations in your
area. To learn more about Hetrick-Martin
you should contact them directly
Hetrick-Martin Institute
2 Astor Place
New York, New York 10003
(212) 674-2400
TTY (212) 674-8695
fax (212) 674-2650
Or if you want, you can send
me your address and I can have
them send you information. Thanks
again for your note and good
luck creating a like-minded
community - Amy
Note: You might want to look at Stonewall Youth (based
in Olympia, WA.) as an example
of LesBiGay youth organizing.