am a college student working
on a major research project,
the end goal being to present
to my Political Thought class
an oral and written explanation
of the political and social
ideology of Gloria Steinem.
While searching for helpful
information on the Internet,
such as interviews and articles
with and by Ms. Steinem, I came
across this address and wondered
if maybe someone who reads this
message would be able to point
me in a helpful direction? I
would appreciate any help you
could possibly give. Thank you!
for your note. For your paper
on Gloria Steinem, I think that
you should read her article
"Life Between the Lines," which
can be found in her book Outrageous
Acts and Everyday Rebellions,
Henry Holt & Co., 1995. Every
other essay in this book is
also a great source of information.
Good luck - Amy