for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
coincidently, I came across
some information recently that
will be of some help to you.
There is a great article in
this month's Hope Magazine
(Sept./Oct. 1997) entitled "When
Mothers Do Time" -- you can
access it through
The article contains some great
statistics and also personal
stories. It also contains a
listing of "women friendly"
criminal justice programs.
This same magazine referenced
a book The Farm: Life Inside
A Women's Prison by Andi
Rierden (University of MA Press,
1997), which is "a new study
of women's correctional institution
in Niantic, CT known as the
Farm. These detailed portaits
show how the lives of the inmates
there have become jumbled and
dominated by pain and anger."
Both of these sources should
at least point you in the direction
that you need to go.