noticed your web page on the
Internet and wanted to express
to you my happiness that there
is such a page. I am a Junior
at Bethany College in Bethany,
WV. and am enrolled in Feminist
Readings of Biblical Texts as
a requirement for my Religion
Major. I had a quick question
though, do you think it is possible
in living in a society based
solely on Patriarchial foundation
to still maintain a Christian
attitude? What I'm basically
asking is if you, as a feminist,
think it is possible to worship
a god as divine while seeing
consistently that this god works
to oppress women. Peace always
- Jeremy
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for trying to maintain a
healthy balance between your
religion and your feminism.
I definitely think that this
is possible. There are several
people out their who have successfully
done this. Specifically, I recommend
that you check out the work
of Karen Armstrong, who has
written several books. Also,
Frances Kissling, who is the
president of Catholics for
a Free Choice. What they
point out is that it is not
"religion" that is the problem,
as much as those who are dictating
how this religion should be
played out in everyone's lives.
And I personally don't think
that it is God who is the oppressor,
but rather those who are interpreting
Gods' words. I hope that helps.
Good luck.