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Hi Amy!

I am a university student in Nigeria (West Africa) studying economics. I am doing research on women's economic empowerment and advancement as my research essay. I was browsing to find some data on the topic when i came across your website, so I decided to write to you and ask for your assistance in finding information about it.

Below are the topics I desperately need to complete my study:

  1. Any theory or theories of women economic empowerment and advancement
  2. Strategies for women economic empowerment
  3. Problems and solutions of women economic empowerment

I hope you will be able to assist me.



There are several groups that are devoted specifically to women's economic empowerment -- most famously the Grameen Bank, based in Bangladesh and also SEWA, based in India -- both have really pioneered women's economic self-sufficiency.

There are also a few US groups like Count Me In, The Global Fund for Women and also women like Connie Evans who have pioneered such efforts.

I hope that helps and good luck,

-- Amy


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