I want to tell you my history like a woman. Always,
always, always, I said that the woman have the
power. My husband always said to me this: "if
the woman governed this world the world end in
a big war, because when one woman don't like
the other woman it's the end of the world."
My history started 12 years ago. Twelve years
ago I'm pregnant with my third child. Different
to other woman I want another boy. But
surprised the doctor told me it's a girl. In
this moment, my world change because I need to
prepare my daughter to compete in the man world. Every
day I said to her the woman are better than the
man in business, etc. She always asks these questions: Mami,
can I be one day President of United States?
I said to her Yes. When Hillary start to
run for President my daughter went crazy about
this, she wrote letters, made campaigns in the
school with other girls, many activities. When
Hillary lost we cry. She cry for Hillary
and I cry for her. We waiting for Obama
make Hillary VP, but another surprised he announce
Biden. My daughter cried again, because we lost
our opportunity the see a woman in the big position. A
dream position for a woman!
One month later, McCain announce Sarah Palin
for his running VP. I was in shock, a Republican
woman in the ticket. When my daughter come
for school she was crazy and said to me, “Mami
it is not Hillary, but it’s another woman.” I
explain to her the different points of view about
Hillary and Sarah. She listened to me carefully,
after that she told me this: but Mami you
always told me, "Always remember that you
born woman and you will die a woman and you can’t
change that." And after than she told me "I'm
sure you will vote for this woman, because she
is a woman and you can’t change that and
you will open one door for my future.” Please
tell me your opinion. |
Thanks so much for writing and I think there
are so many people who are having the exact same
conversation that you are having. Palin is certainly
a challenge to the overall idea of women's equality.
However, as you explained...her symbolism will
be outweighed by her politics and thus will do
more harm than good to women's equality.
I think we do have to honor Palin — in
many ways her nomination is a result of feminism—showing
that women can do what men can do. However, her
candidacy also reveals something more unsettling — how
women are used and under minded. The Republicans
are banking on her being treated with kid gloves
— that we don't actually expect women to accomplish
things or we lower our expectations for them,
at least when it comes to more serious issues.
I think that is condescending. If she can do
what men can do, I think that we have to raise
our standards and demand that we know where she
stands politically. I also think that we aren't
hypocrites if we remind people that feminism
has never been about a handful of women achieving
but all women.
— Amy