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This question is for Amy or whoever else will answer it - Where is the feminist condemnation of Clinton? I had time on my hands and I surfed through some feminist websites because I was curious as to what the feminist feeling about Clinton was. And you know what? I didn't find one website that said a thing about Clinton. That seems pretty hypocritical to me. I really want to know why feminists aren't stepping up and calling for this guy's resignation. Please email me or post this to the Ask Amy board. - Jeff

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM. If you look through past "Ask Amys" you will see that I have responded to every question directed at me about the "Clinton Scandal." I do condemn Clinton's behavior and I do condemn other people's behavior, too--the media, the Senate judiciary committee--and everyone else who has brought this disgusting behavior into the public. I don't think I have the right to know the intimate details of Clinton's affair and I don't think this has any influence on his ability to be the President of the U.S. As for other feminists--I have actually seen many feminist responses--I just think it's that so many people have such a narrow definition of who/what feminism is. If you look at past "Ask Amys" I list some of these references. And, again because people have such a narrow knowledge of feminism many people wrongly assume that feminism is a monolith and, therefore, when people say "where's the feminist response"--what you really mean is "where's Patricia Ireland and why doesn't everyone just agree."

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