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Hi there and thank you so much for this great internet resource! A question about public support of President Clinton these days: When the media covers the issues surrounding the President's actions and his culpabillity, why have they not addressed similarities between the case of the female Air Force pilot who lost her job not for the for lying during the investigation of her affair with a fellow servicewoman's husband and the President's lies (since both were publicly proclaimed as having been different issues from the sex involved)? There have been countless other circumstances where women have been judged by stricter moral standards, usually regarding their sexual activities (Vanessa Williams posing for Playboy, Judge Kimba Wood in the 90's for Attorney General, etc. ) Critics of the Air Force pilot said that if she could not tell the truth, she could not be trusted as a qualified pilot with an expensive plane. How can Americans (men or women) be willing to ignore the President's lies and trust him with the leadership of our country in the future? Thank you, Terra

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM and for being one of many people to point out the problems with the Air Force pilot who was forced to resign because she "committed adultry." As for Clinton--and the Air Force Pilot--these both seem to have been consenting, willing affairs and the only people being hurt were the spouses who didn't seem to have a problem with it--so why should I even be asked what I think on the subject? At the time the Air Force Pilot was forced to resign, I thought that was wrong and now at the time of the "Clinton Scandal" I don't think he should be forced to resign either.

On the issue of "truth and trust" in the case of the Clinton thing, I think that Bob Herbert has said it best in his editorial in the New York Times on Sunday Sept. 13th. Basically, he said we couldn't trust him when he was elected, why do we think we can trust him now? We can't is his point. That said, I don't trust him nor do I think he should have been asked these particular questions to begin with. I also don't think he should be impeached or forced to resign--and I do think that he has been a competent President. It's clearly not an easy situation nor is it an easy answer--and I don't think we needed to know all of the details in order to make any answer.

Sorry that I can't be more helpful and that there isn't just one right answer--that would certainly make things easier. Thanks again for visiting FEMINIST.COM.


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