Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for being one of many people
to point out the problems with
the Air Force pilot who was
forced to resign because she
"committed adultry." As for
Clinton--and the Air Force Pilot--these
both seem to have been consenting,
willing affairs and the only
people being hurt were the spouses
who didn't seem to have a problem
with it--so why should I even
be asked what I think on the
subject? At the time the Air
Force Pilot was forced to resign,
I thought that was wrong and
now at the time of the "Clinton
Scandal" I don't think he should
be forced to resign either.
On the issue of "truth and
trust" in the case of the Clinton
thing, I think that Bob Herbert
has said it best in his editorial
in the New York Times
on Sunday Sept. 13th. Basically,
he said we couldn't trust him
when he was elected, why do
we think we can trust him now?
We can't is his point. That
said, I don't trust him nor
do I think he should have been
asked these particular questions
to begin with. I also don't
think he should be impeached
or forced to resign--and I do
think that he has been a competent
President. It's clearly not
an easy situation nor is it
an easy answer--and I don't
think we needed to know all
of the details in order to make
any answer.
Sorry that I can't be more
helpful and that there isn't
just one right answer--that
would certainly make things
easier. Thanks again for visiting