Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for being so creative and
generous with your connections.
I, too, hate dinnertable arguments--not
to mention having to be put
in a position of defending every
liberal who ever existed. I
think the most constructive
way to go about lobbying your
grandmother is to start by issues
that might affect her directy
and/or someone she cares about--like
you. For instance, what is her
situation with health insurance,
is she fed up with paying too
much? Also, what diseases might
run in the family--breast cancer?
Use these personal issues as
a way to get her thinking that
there might be other people
like her--and therefore, people
like her that could benefit
from her insight into these
issues and support of.
You also might want to find
out what issues are already
coming before your state legislature
this year--and therefore what
issues might need some lobbying.
Also, you could go right for
the statistics. If over 50%
of the female half of the U.S.
population will have an abortion,
shouldn't it be legal and safe?
This seems like a basic math
I hope those suggestions help--and
mostly I hope that she values
your nudging as much as I do.
Thanks again - and let me know
if you have further questions.