It may be a tad early,
but do you have any endorsements
for the 2000 Presidential election,
either Democrat or third party?
Also, do you know of any women
considering a run, BESIDES (G.
Gordon) Liddy Dole? By the way,
I really enjoy your website,
especially the fact that you
don't mince words with the anti-abortionists
who write in and try to pretend
that their stance is compatable
with feminism. Thanks, Tracye
Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
for your support. Sometimes
I begin to think that I'm crazy,
not them. Given what I know
about the possibilities for
2000--Gore, Quayle, Bush, Dole--I'm
going with Gore. I'm certainly
not going to be fooled into
voting for Elizabeth Dole purely
because she's a woman. I'm waiting
for a pro-woman woman--and I'm
afraid I'm going to have to
wait for that, with the exception
of a possible Third Party candidate.
I hope that helps.